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5              Glissor S. Linda, Jensen Karen, Lanoutte Edward, Human Machine, s. 222

6              The Illustrated Encyclopedia of The Human Body, s. 81

7              Biological Science A Moleculer Approach, s. 523

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93            Douglas J. Futuyma, Science on Trial, New York: Pantheon Books, 1983. s. 197

94            Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York: Toplinger Publications, 1970, s. 75-94; Charles E. Oxnard, "The Place of Australopithecines in Human Evolution: Grounds for Doubt", Nature, cilt 258, s. 389

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97            Time, Kasım 1996

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99            Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York: Toplinger Publications, 1970, s. 19

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